Color in Dream

The subconscious will draw on many different associations to give us direction and guidance in our dreams. One way the subconscious highlights or intensifies a situation or object is by the use of color associations. Color can also be used to express emotions, moods, and perceptions. Bright and cheerful colors may designate a person who has a bright and cheerful outlook on life, while one who consistently dreams in drab, cheerless colors may tend to be depressed and to view the world as a drab place. Black in a dream may pinpoint a "black" outlook on life. Generally, dreams with clear and beautiful colors will have positive, or spiritual, overtones. Muddy, unclear colors will probably have negative associations. It should be noted, too, that lack of color where color is called for (a flower garden, for instance) should be of interest to us. Maybe we need to put more "color" in our lives, or try to be a more "colorful" person.
The following list may be used as a guide in color interpretations:
• evil; ignorance; deception; mystery; negative; secrecy; unenlightenment of self (absence of light); a warning; death; renunciation. "Black mood"; to see something as "black or white"; "black magic"; "into the black" (profit); "black-out"; "black market."
• right and wrong; good and evil.
• spiritual; contemplative; stable; calm; moody; dejected; impatient. The darker the shades, the deeper the meaning of blue. Blue is associated with the fifth spiritual center, the thyroid. This gland, and therefore the color blue, has long been associated with the human will. Psychological need: contentment and affection. Personality traits: azure blue—religious devotion; lavender blue— devotion to high ideals; blue-gray—a religious feeling motivated by fear; Madonna blue—obedience to Divine Will; deep royal—honest, loyal, and, if it contains a little purple, good judgment in handling material affairs; dark blue—unselfish; spiritually inclined. Possible physical disorders: liver; arterial circulatory system; fever; fast pulse; pain; insomnia; high blood pressure. "The blues"; "blue ribbon"; to vanish "into the blue"; "blue-nose"; "blue-blood"; "out of the blue"; "true-blue"; "once in a blue moon."
• earthy; practical; depression; negative; relates to a race (brown people). If rich in color, it is symbolic of growth, effort, a wish to accomplish.
• a Higher Self symbol; something that is valuable; spiritual graces (life, patience, forgiveness, generosity); the color of the New Man or the Father. "Golden years"; "good as gold"; "all that glitters is not gold"; "fool's gold"; "the Golden Fleece" (the quest for attunement with God); "gold brick"; "gold-digger"; "gold dust"; "golden age"; "golden rule."
• regeneration; growth; constructive; perseverance; resists change; not fully developed or perfected in growth. Pure emerald green, especially with blue in it, is the color of healing. The more blue, the more trustworthy. As it tends toward yellow-green, it can indicate deceit. Green is associated with the fourth spiritual center, the thymus, which is referred to as the "love" center; therefore, the color green can bring harmony and can act as a peacemaker. Psychological need: to assert oneself. Personality traits: emerald green—serene; balanced; determined; pale olive green— compassionate; sympathetic; greenish-gray—pessimistic; pale yellow green—deceitful; envious. Possible physical disorders: blood clots; generally run-down; ulcers; infections. Green stimulates the pituitary gland and is restful to the nervous system.
• complete calm; fulfillment; contentment. This is the color of the sixth spiritual center, the pineal, or the Christ center, and therefore has a strong influence on soul development. Personality traits: good intellect; logical; enthusiastic; cheerful; humble. With a lot of purple, can indicate an overbearing nature. Possible physical disorders: intense pain; eye inflammations; ear problems; acute bronchitis; convulsions; tonsillitis; hemorrhages.
• poor health; negative; stale blood.
• health and energy. Orange is associated with the cells of Leydig which constitute the second spiritual center. This center, and therefore the color orange, is the "balancing" center in the body, especially in reference to the secondary sexual characteristics. Since the cells of Leydig are contained in the gonads, orange (the combination of red and yellow) is associated with two of the four lower centers (earth centers), and is therefore expressive of earthiness and nature. It is also indicative of creative expression. Personality traits: reddish-orange—things of the personality control the mind; bright orange—mind over matter; "live-wire" type but well-balanced; clear, golden orange—wisdom; self-control; thoughtful of others; brownish-orange—unambitious; lazy. Possible physical disorders: respiratory problems; sluggish color; sluggish thyroid; gallstones; gout; depression; kidney.
• joy; human and universal love; happiness. Personality traits: warm and generous; quiet; modest; refined. Pale pink— immaturity; weakness. Possible physical disorders: affects the mind more than the body; if a poor sleeper, don't use pink sheets or blankets; not advised for highly excitable people; use for general revitalizing. "In the pink"; "pink" (half-way belief in communism); "tickled pink."
• royalty; spirituality; associated with the law. Personality traits: ability to deal with practical matters; spiritual power; overbearing. Possible physical disorders: sluggish veins; fever; heart palpitations; indigestion. "Born to the purple" (royalty); "purple with rage"; "purple language"; "purple rank."
• life force, new life; anger; sex; violent emotions; danger, or stop. Red is associated with the first spiritual center (gonads) and is the starting place of the creative energies during meditation; hence, red may be considered "the starter" or "the starting place." It is often the preferred color of extroverts. Red indicates a psychological need to act and succeed. Personality traits: reddish-brown— greed; avarice; bright brick-red—anger; deep dark red—sensual; domineering; light red—impulsive; self-centered; scarlet—too much ego; carmine (clear, pure red)—strong; enduring; physically fit. "Paint the town red"; "red cent"; "red tape"; "red-hot news"; "red-light district"; "red blanket" (emergency, critical). Possible physical disorders: anemia, lack of vitality.
• For an American, loyalty and patriotic zeal.
• secondary to gold in meaning because it has to be polished. "Silver age"; "silver cord."
• the color of the seventh spiritual center, the pituitary, which is the master gland and therefore is beneficial to the whole system. Personality traits: sensitive; appreciative; well-rounded personality; good mental abilities and judgment; high sense of integrity; aloof; self-centered; overbearing. Possible physical disorders: high blood pressure; bladder infections; concussion; cramps; epilepsy; scalp and skin disorders; pain. "Shrinking violet."
• purity; enlightenment; innocence; the ideal of spirit. The combination of all colors. One sees things as "black or white"; "little white lies"; "white as the driven snow."
• bright, cheerful, full of sunshine and happiness; intuition; illumination; caution or quarantine; cowardice. Yellow is a color directed towards the future and its designation is change. It is associated with the third spiritual center, the adrenals, the "emotional" center. Mental activities are thought by some to be simulated by yellow. Psychological need: to look forward and aspire. Personality traits: pure yellow—intelligent, cheerful, self-confident, optimistic; golden yellow—wisdom, energetic; lemon yellow— spiritualized mind; creative. Possible physical disorders: indigestion; insomnia; nervous tension; constipation. "Yellow streak"; "yellow-belly."